
【比較文學】期末考essay questions

Choose two questions to answer. Allow no less than 1 page (single-spaced) for each answer. Cite the texts to support your argument.

1) In The Ballad of Sad Cafe, how does Carson McCullers create a grotesque world in which abnormality is priiveged over the clear-cut lines of the normal body?

2) Discuss two different attitudes towards the barbarians (represented by Colonel Joll and the Magistrate) and their clash of moral styles in Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians.

3) In The Bluest Eye, the body becomes a central locus where different racial values and bodily knowledge are registered and contested with each other. A negative sense of self is characterized by body imagery that has to do with self-hatred, shame, suppression, prohibition, and shrinkage; a positive sense of self is embodied in a strong body that refuses to be disciplined by white culture or rid itself of "funk." Compare and contrast this two types of bodily knowledge by discussing characters who either inhibit the body or embrace the body.

Please print out your essays and drop them in my departmental mailbox BEFORE 5 pm Wednesday,January 19th. Late papers are not accepted.

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