
【比較文學】期末考essay questions

Choose two questions to answer. Allow no less than 1 page (single-spaced) for each answer. Cite the texts to support your argument.

1) In The Ballad of Sad Cafe, how does Carson McCullers create a grotesque world in which abnormality is priiveged over the clear-cut lines of the normal body?

2) Discuss two different attitudes towards the barbarians (represented by Colonel Joll and the Magistrate) and their clash of moral styles in Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians.

3) In The Bluest Eye, the body becomes a central locus where different racial values and bodily knowledge are registered and contested with each other. A negative sense of self is characterized by body imagery that has to do with self-hatred, shame, suppression, prohibition, and shrinkage; a positive sense of self is embodied in a strong body that refuses to be disciplined by white culture or rid itself of "funk." Compare and contrast this two types of bodily knowledge by discussing characters who either inhibit the body or embrace the body.

Please print out your essays and drop them in my departmental mailbox BEFORE 5 pm Wednesday,January 19th. Late papers are not accepted.


【寒假書單】2010開卷好書獎 & New York Times 10 Best Books of 2010

1. 《白噪音》; 唐‧德里羅(Don Delillo)著,何致和譯,寶瓶文化公司
2. 《看得到的化學》;西奧多‧葛雷(Theodore Gray)著,吳瑤玲譯,大是文化公司
3. 《現代主義:異端的誘惑》;彼得‧蓋伊(Peter Gay)著,梁永安譯,立緒文化公司
4. 《畢斯華斯先生的房子》;V‧S‧奈波爾(V.S. Naipaul)著,穆卓芸譯,遠流出版公司
5. 《富國的糖衣》;張夏準著,胡瑋珊譯,博雅書屋公司
6. 《傷心人類學》;露思‧貝哈(Ruth Behar)著,黃珮玲、黃恩霖譯,群學出版公司
7. 《當我們一起跳海》;亞托‧帕西里納(Arto Paasilinna)著,武忠森譯,寶瓶文化公司
8. 《對與錯的人生邏輯課》;費南多‧薩巴特(Fernando Savater)著,于施洋譯,漫遊者文化 公司
9. 《讀書人:讀書講義》;大江健三郎著,許金龍譯,聯經出版公司

1. 《十五顆小行星》;劉克襄著,遠流出版公司
2. 《水城臺北》; 舒國治著,皇冠文化公司
3. 《如何做一個正直的人》(2冊);楊照著,本事文化公司
4. 《在咖啡館遇見14個作家》; 唐諾著,聯經出版公司
5. 《努力工作──我的家族勞動紀事》;吳億偉著,印刻出版公司
6. 《金山》; 張翎著,時報出版公司
7. 《殺戮的艱難》; 張娟芬著,行人文化實驗室

The 10 Best Books of 2010--The New York Times

【文讀】announcement: 明天文讀課改回共二講堂看電影

Dear all,

原本明天預定至圖書館多媒體放映室看電影,結果被人先借走了,我們只得回共二講堂。故明天原教室見,助教會請大家簽到,另外blog assignments也別忘了明天晚上12點due。

Happy New Year!