
【文讀writing assignment #4】"What the Hell Happened to Maggie?" --Toni Morrison's "Recitatif" and Jewel's "Pieces of You" (deadline: 12/15, 12 p.m.)

In Toni Morrison's "Recitatif" (1983), Maggie is a crippled, mute, deaf old woman who is constantly conjured up in Twyla's and Roberta's memories. However, the memory about Maggie is constantly rewritten and revised; each woman has a different recollection of an incident in which Maggie either fell down or was knocked down in the orchard at St. Bonny's.

Why are they so fascinated with Maggie? How do you explain the women's paradox of secretly identifing with Maggie and silently abusing/bullying her in their imagination?

Below is the lyrics of "Pieces of You," written by American singer/song writer Jewel. After listening to the song and comprehending its lyrics, can you find any clues to understanding "the Maggie thing"?

"Pieces Of You"

She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?
She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?
She's an ugly girl, she doesn't pose a threat.
She's an ugly girl, does she make you feel safe?
Ugly girl, ugly girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?
She's a pretty girl, does she make you think nasty thoughts?
She's a pretty girl, do you want to tie her down?
She's a pretty girl, do you call her a bitch?
She's a pretty girl, did she sleep with your whole town?
Pretty girl, pretty girl, do you hate her
'Cause she's pieces of you?
You say he's a faggot, does it make you want to hurt him?
You say he's a faggot, do you want to bash in his brain?
You say he's a faggot, does he make you sick to our stomach?
You say he's a faggot, are you afraid you're just the same?
Faggot, Faggot, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?
You say he's a Jew, does it mean that he's tight?
You say he's a Jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
You say he's a Jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again.
You say he's a Jew, as though being born were a sin.
Oh Jew, oh Jew, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?


Jenny said...

Hi, professor. I am Jenny (49902047).
From Recitatif and Pieces of you, the reason why we want to hurt Maggie or the ugly girl, pretty girl, faggot and Jew is because we can see our shadows on them. Maggie is a mute and strange body shape woman, and she seems have a lower position than Twyla and Roberta. She is the substitute for the two girls. Twyla and Roberta want to hurt Maggie, because they know they will be bullied if there is no Maggie, and they hate themselves’ positions, rates, class. They hurt Maggie as if they want to hurt themselves.
To ugly girls, we seem to have a higher position than them. We feel safe, because they don’t pose a threat. To pretty girls, we usual put our eyes on them and want to find out their disadvantages. To faggot and Jew, we feel sick to our stomach, and we think they are disgusting. But why is that? Why do we have higher or lower position than others? What are the definitions to ugly and pretty? Why are faggot and Jew dirty? Maybe we are just afraid if we were them or the desire to bully the weaker or just because of preemptive. We hate them and want to hurt them, because we seem to see ourselves. Cause they are pieces of us!

Anonymous said...

Hi, professor. I am Vera (49807003).

In Toni Morrison's "Recitatif”, Maggie is a crippled, mute, deaf old woman who is constantly conjured up in Twyla's and Roberta's memories. Why do they always mention to Maggie ? Well, I think it is because Maggie represents the death, and it also represents the dark sides of human beings.

In this story, Maggie was described as crippled, mute, deaf old woman, none of these descriptions was positive adjunctions. Some parts in our mind, we are actually disabilities; when we don’t want to face the problems, we don’t want to talk about that; when we don’t want to listen to the truths, we pretended we were deaf. So every time when Twyla and Roberta meet each other, they always want to revise their memories, it seems like they are hiding something, and that thing is themselves.

People want to be the winner, no one want to be the loser. Still, Twyla and Roberta are not always powerful, even they think they can revise their memories, but truth is the one.

Celia said...

Hello professor, I’m Celia (49801032). Here is my answer.

What’s “the Maggie thing”? In Recitatif, we can know Maggie is the most pitiful character who always be bullied. Why these gar girls bullied Maggie may relate to her deaf and mute. In Roberta and Twyla’s heart, the worker in the kitchen should be their mother. But the worker in the kitchen is Maggie. They may think why should they be sent to orphanage and be isolated by other children while seeing Maggie. “Piece of You” describes four kinds of people, an ugly girl, a pretty girl, a man like faggot and a Jew. The author asks audience”cause he/she’s pieces of you?” It’s also happened in Recitatif. Readers follow the text and find if Roberta and Twyla kicked Maggie or not. Roberta and Twyla find some pieces of Maggie to compare with their mother but they don’t know.

“Does it make you want to kill her?”, “do you want to kick in her face?”, “do you want to hurt his kids tonight?” etc. Some kind these words repeat and repeat again in the song, just like Twyla asks herself “if I had kicked Maggie?” Twyla is against Roberta’s charge of kicking Maggie. She can’t deny that she wants to do that at Maggie like gar girl. “Piece of You” expresses the same idea;”do you want to do that on whom you don’t like?” So they bully (or want to bully) Maggie instead of asking the lack of love in their childhood.

Alice said...

Hi, professor. I am Alice (49902053).
In my opinion, I think Roberta and Twyla have a mutual trauma on Maggie so they are fascinated with her. According to paragraph 18, both of them call her bad nicknames. Moreover they want to kick her, too. After listening to the music, I think it reveals that people are evil. I don’t consider that this problem is just for women but also for men. People would like to degrade others to raise their ranks. Everyone doesn’t like to be a loser, so they put pressure on Maggie to hide themselves that they are not the worst; there is someone worse than them. That is their mutual trauma; they find out that they are as evil as those gar girls. That’s why Roberta and Twyla memory Maggie again and again to expiate their sin.

The song “Pieces of You” refer to ugly girls, beautiful girls, Jews and faggots. Do you hate Jews? Are you afraid you're just the same as faggots? Do you want to tie pretty girls down because they have more power than you? Do ugly girls make you feel safe as “the Maggie thing”? Maggie is mute, deaf, black and works in the kitchen, so she is the worthless? Obviously, we know that the answer in not.

Daphnie said...

Hello, Professor Hsu, I am Daphnie (49801023). Here is my work on the topic asking on Toni Morrison's "Recitatif" and Jewel's "Pieces of You.
In modern society, mainstreaming group emerge in every kind of group. In school, mainstreaming group usually constitutes of two or three girls following with similar numbers of boys. When the girls try to bully someone, no one would say NO. The boys, who supposed to be neutral, reinforce the power of “queens.” As for those kids who had being isolated, maybe they don’t even know how she/he fell to this place. In “Recitatif,” the character “Maggie,” who is mute, crippled and deaf, represented the bullied ones. Another two characters are the ones that know the bullying issue yet refusing to help. In Jewel’s lyrics, “she doesn't pose a threat” exposed the mental concepts of two girls, Twylas and Roberta, keeping in mind every time they seeing the bullying happening. Because Twylas and Roberta don’t want to be victims, they take Maggie as a substitution to protect their own safety. Maybe it is a way to protect them from being hurt. So they secretly move the worng to good. Hence, the victim become the victimizer. Jewel’s song placed not only the issue which mentioned in the “Recitatif,” but maximizing the situation to many culture issue. The Jew and the Christian, queer and straight, negro and white, they are all a part of the theme. Negro is not even an appropriate term describing African-American people. However, it was the only word for them in 50s. Why are we marginalizing people whose position is different from us? The story brought out the eternal problem of classes.

Jojo said...

Hello, Professor! I am Jojo (49302007).

Life has always been happy.
Nevertheless, there are differences between people in the world. A lot of persons or animals are being bullied and humiliated. Some people’s background are good; other people’s are bad. Some people are born with fortune; other people nothing.
The world just like this.
Twyla and Roberta afraid because the big girls kicked Maggie. However, they didn’t protect Maggie, the two girls wanted to kick Maggie.
I think they must protect and save themselves from being hurt. This is why they not only identified with Maggie’s situation but also had the motive to hurt her.

Ashley said...

I am Ashley (49902031).

I think these two girls are fascinated with Maggie because Maggie is a scapegoat of Roberta and Twyla. When gar girls bully Maggie, Roberta and Twyla don’t help her. Worst of all, they even want to bully Maggie too. Maybe it is because the humanity. Especially, it is apparent in the children who don’t have complete family love. When you finally escape from the lowest state, you may feel happy to watch other people who are scapegoats of you be bullied. Even worst, you want to involve in this bullying. Your mind is changed by the unfortunate family state.

From the lyrics “Cause she's pieces of you?” I think Maggie is pieces of Roberta and Twyla. It is because you don’t want to admit your personalities. If you can’t accept your own personalities, you would hate or even bully someone who has the same personalities with you. Therefore, you want to get away from your personalities by bullying other people.

Una Luo said...

Hi, professor. I'm Una(49902003).

In Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”, Maggie was in the lowest-status among the people in the orphanage. Without Maggie, the dumped kids, like Roberta and Twyla, will become the objects of bullying. So that Maggie can be referred as the alternative for their insulting from the gar girls. Then I thought Twyla and Roberta had gradually come into being a little arrogant and looking down upon Maggie like the gar girls did. But they just didn’t dare to show what they thought and what they wanted to do. For they always thought about how Maggie was bullied, they had bullied her in their minds instead of real actions. Then finally, they were in confusion about whether they had insulted Maggie or not. I think that is because they considered that they just had this kind of thoughts but not the real actions. So they want to escape the responsibility of bullying things. However, the more they thought, the more memories about Maggie would appear in their minds.
And in Jewel’s “Pieces of you”, I think it represents the dark side of humans’ mind, for the lyrics talk about the hatred to the ugly girls, pretty girls, faggots or the Jews. Most of us usually have some bias to these people, and sometimes have no reason. Just like how Maggie was treated in the orphanage. But this situation would haunt people who had bullied Maggie and she would become pieces of their hearts. Then that’s why Roberta and Twyla so fascinated with Maggie.

Linda said...

Hi, professor. I am Linda (49902051).

In “Recitatif”, Twyla and Roberta are dumped kids, and Maggie is a kitchen woman with a strange body shape and deaf. If Twyla and Roberta don’t want to be bullied by others, they must bully who is weaker than themselves first, and that person is Maggie. It seems that Maggie is a scape goat of Twyla and Roberta. On the other hand, they see some of attributes which are as well as themselves and the images of their mothers in Maggie. They see the shadow of themselves’ races and classes on Maggie. That’s the reason why they emphasize they sure did want to hurt Maggie though they didn’t really do that.

In the lyrics of “Pieces of you”, Jewel repeats “'Cause he's pieces of you?” again and again. It’s the same as Maggie in Recitatif. There are the ugly girls, pretty girls, faggots or the Jews in lyrics. When we judge them with our bias, actually we show the weakness that we conceal at the same time. I think it about the dark side of human being. People don’t want to confess their fault, but bully others who have the same problem as them. Maybe they think this is the only way to make them more comfortable to evade themselves’ weakness than to face it.

Katherine said...

Hi,I'm Katherine(49902025)

Two women, secretly identifying with Maggie, know when they were little girls; they were just inferior to those gar girls.
Since they are not willing to admit they are not strong enough, their reaction is on the opposite side; they bully Maggie in their hearts. Maybe they can find some comfort when they did that secretly. Maggie is their mutual trauma; they want to escape but can’t.

"'Cause she's/ he's pieces of you?"

People know they are weak and they subconsciously want to show they are not by bullying someone that weaker than them and one that does not pose a threat. Hating being weak, they are actually bully themselves but they don’t know.

We always think that admitting being weak is equal to being a loser. We want to on the top of people but we forget that we are part of all mortal beings. We just build our successful feeling in others’ pain.

Ugly girl, pretty girl, and a Jew or a faggot, do they do anything wrong? Why do we hate them? It’s the darkness inside our. We hate for no reason. They are wrong just for no reason, too.

Jeffery said...

Hi, professor! I am Jeffery (49902057).

In Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”, Twyla and Roberta are be dumped by their parents. Twyla’s mother doesn’t really care about Twyla and Roberta’s mother care about Roberta but sick seriously, so they are sent to the shelter-orphanage. Maggie, who is a deaf, mute, cripple and has strange body shape woman in the orphanage, she always be bullied but she isn’t able to call for help. Because she is in the lowest-status person in the orphanage and nobody dare to help her. In other words, Maggie is a scapegoat of the dumped kids like Roberta and Twyla. Why the two girls are so fascinated with Maggie? I think it is because Maggie just likes their mother in the orphanage. She endures every insult and keeps taking care of them. Another reason is, I think Maggie is some kind of fear or desire profoundly innuendo in their heart. So, Maggie is too impressive to leave behind when they gather with each other and talk about their childhood.

In Jewel’s “Pieces of you”, I think it is full of biases and prejudices between different kinds of people and different races. Why people always pose themselves as autism, they don’t care about others feeling. They are also as human beings; they are also pieces of you! So cherish them, don’t hurt them anymore!

Tavia(49902065) said...

They are so fascinated with Maggie because they based on racial prejudice and Maggie’s image look like their mother. Roberta was a black girl and Twyla was a white girl .In paragraph2 Twyla mother said that the black people never washed their hair and they smelled funny. It show that they don’t like black people and thought Maggie smell funny too. And in the article that I can see she said she hated and hated even more now because didn’t she know we were going to chapel. Roberta remembers that those girls pushed Maggie down and tore her clothes. And Twyla said that Maggie was look like her dancing mother. Their mother doesn’t take good care of them and dumped them.

And in the song Pieces of You is like the description of Maggie. “She's an ugly girl and a pretty girl; and he’s a faggot and a Jew. The lyric is a description of Maggie because in Maggie they saw the same attitudes and the image of their mother. They think Maggie was black and really want to hurt her. They don’t like their mother dumped her and thought she is deaf and dumb. Rocking, dancing, and swaying as she walked.

Joanna said...

Hi,professor.I'm Joanna.(49801046)

They fascinated with Maggie because they think her situation is similar with them. All of them are lower than other people in the orphanage. However, they don’t have pity on Maggie, because they think Maggie‘s status is much lower than them. They want to bully Maggie because she is the lowest person in the orphanage. They don’t think too much about the races problem. After they grown up, they put prejudice (racial discrimination) and something of adults in their childhood memories. They forget stand at the view of child. Therefore, Roberta starts to consider the main reason they (want) bully Maggie because she is a black.

Compare with the lyrics of "Pieces of You", both of them are discuss the judgeing of appearance and racial discrimination. Maggie in here stands for both things, we also can expand that Maggie is a symbol of the shadow of humanity, the dark side of this world- the law of the jungle.

Anonymous said...

Hi, professor. I am Yan(49644071).In the society, a lot of people always think they are better than the other people. When they show off what they have superior to other people, it make them feel good. On the other hand, when they are in an inferior position, they feel shame and try to find the other people who were more bad them themselves. In "Recitatif" we can see the two girls have some same things so that they are the friend. The two girls were constantly bullied at school by the big girls. So they called them gargirl, which means they are a kind of monster. With a view to make they feel comfort, they remember a girl is worse than themselves, the very person was Maggie. The reason why the impression of Maggie changed in their mind with the growth of age is that Maggie was kind of their real character, which are shame to let other people know. They think Maggie is ugly, cowardly and no fond for other people. In their heart, they are afraid that they are the very person like Maggie, who has those weak point and be hated by other people. Therefore, they think Maggie in many different types in their memory. They assault Maggie to cover their fear in their heart.

Anonymous said...

Hello, professor. I am Shawn (49903016)

I think Recitatif and Pieces of you are both talk about the same thing - it reveals that people are evil. I don’t consider that this problem is just for women but also for men.

Twyla and Roberta don’t want to be bullied by others, they must bully who is weaker than themselves. Moreover, they saw the Maggie as their mother and also saw the shadow of themselves’ races and classes on Maggie. By bullied Maggie they can escape from their bad memories temporarily but, it was become a sin that never erase .

We also can see the same meaning in Pieces of you. From lyrics it repeats “'Cause he's pieces of you?” again and again, there are the ugly girls, pretty girls, faggots or the Jews in it. They all arouse our bad memories We don’t want to confess our faults, but bully others who have the same problem as them. Just escape of it temporarily,make someone being our scapegoat.I think these two materials are represent the dark side of humans’ mind.

Sai said...

Hi, professor! I am Sai(49702054)

In Toni Morrison's"Recitatif", tells that two young girls who share a room in an orphanage for a few months in the 1950s. As they grow up, move to neighboring towns, marry, and have children, the girls (now women) meet unexpectedly several times.

To the questions, i think we can find out the answer from the lyrics of the song"Pieces of you"! Roberta was a black girl, it was right and proper that a negative attitude was taken toward black people. Twyla, a white girl, also has the same problem. The two girls have the same feelings that if there was no Maggie they will be bullied by others people. That's the point that Toni Morrison wants to tell us; just like the "Pieces of You". We are always worried about someone else will superior to us. Everybody has the same thoughts either black or white,man or woman. That's the humanity. And also the main thesis of the story" Recitatif".

Patty said...

Hi, professor. I am Patty (49902001).

Everyone has their original human desire. The desire is to bully the weaker. If Twyla and Roberta did not bully Maggie, they will be abused by the other people. And if Maggie did not exist, both Twyla and Roberta will be treated as Maggie. Both of them are scared. Roberta and Twyla confessed to each other that though they never touched Maggie. But they wanted to kick her like the big white girls. I think that they just did not want to be different from the other. If you are a different one, you are easily focused and browbeat. Maggie provided them the chance as an outsider watching how their weakness was also narrated on the mute and deaf girl.

From the song, no matter which you are, they all belong to yourself. So no matter how Maggie was, she was human being, too. Everyone is just the same as you. Even though, you hate him/her.

Fion said...

HI, professor. I'm Fion (49902019)

In Toni Morrison's "Recitatif”, both of Twyla and Roberta is orphan, but they are not real orphan. They are dumped. Therefore, the other children who live in the orphanage think Twyla and Roberta are different from them. So, Twyla and Roberta are isolated. It means they are in a lower position. Therefore, when they find someone is lower than themselves, they also want to do the same thing which the other children do for them. That’s why they bully Maggie in their imagination. Because Maggie who is mute, deaf and crippled and locates in the lowest position, she becomes the substitute for them. So, the other children who locate in higher position belly Maggie rather than hurt Twyla and Roberta. And, Twyla and Roberta imagine that they bully Maggie, just like the other children do for Maggie. The other reason is that Maggie is pieces of them, just like the song “Pieces of you” mentions. So, they escape the true by imaging they bully Maggie. And, why do they identify Maggie with different? I think the different race of them is the reason. Perhaps, the thing is too long that they can’t sure whether they bully Maggie or not. Therefore, all of above I think that’s why Twyla and Roberta are so fascinated with Maggie.

Nick said...

In story Recitatif. The orphanage has classes itself just like the little society.The classes in order are the Bozo, the big girls, the dumped kids like Twyla and Roberta, and Maggie. Maggie, a crippled, mute, and deaf old woman, was the in the lowest status. She was the one sacrificed easily and bullied because she is lack of power and right. One day, Twyla and Roberta witnessed the incident that the two big girls bullied Maggie and they didn’t give her a hand. This caused a huge influence in their mind.
On the one hand, they witnessed the situation that people in the higher class used their power and advantages to torture the minority group like Maggie. At this time, Twyla and Roberta had to choose one side to support. If they stood out for Maggie, they would be viewed as the group which was bullied. If they chose the other side, they would think of themselves as superior class and they would be able to trick other class lower than theirs.
On the other hand, they didn’t help Maggie and they just saw the whole condition. The sense of guilty imbedded into their mind. Although they didn’t hit or kick Maggie, the thought made them become one of the helpers of big girl. Therefore, they needed to make up their wrong thought.
As to the lyrics of "Pieces of You," I have no idea what does it relate to Maggie.

Celina said...

Maggie haunted them all the time just like shadow lived in their mind and harassed them constantly. In the orphanage, there was a hierarchy. Twyla and Roberta were second to last of the hierarchy because they weren’t real orphans. They still had their mothers. Compared to Maggie, Twyla and Roberta viewed her as a lower status than them. Because Maggie had physical defects such as cripple, mute and deafness. On the other hand, the elder girls who were called gar girls by Twyla and Roberta bullied Maggie and made fun of her. Thus, Twyla and Roberta wanted to bully her, too. They regarded her as scapegoat. It’s just a human being’s dark interior. We always think no matter what happen to others is none of my business on condition that it doesn’t affect me. On account of this thought, there are a lot of bullies emerging in an endless stream in our society. In the end of this story, we know another reason that why the big girls bullied Maggie. Maybe it’s just because she was a black. It reminded us to rethink the racism. Though in the diversified culture, there may be full of this bias on race.
It can’t be uprooted entirely.
To contrast the song---Pieces of you, it has the same situation. No matter who they are, ugly girls , pretty girls, faggot or Jews, they’re often looked down on by others. Actually, not only these groups encounter these unfair biases, there are many different people have same situation. But, strictly to say, there are no real reasons for people to despise others . It’s just their own prejudiced views, isn’t it?

Cherry said...

Hi professor, I’m Cherry (49902037).
In my opinion, Maggie is their traumatic memory, Twyla and Roberta eventually found someone weaker than them, therefore, they remembered deeply on Maggie. However, they and Maggie had some familiar qualities. But Maggie’s status is lower than Twyla and Roberta, and Twyla and Roberta didn’t want to admit this truth. Therefore, Twyla and Roberta wanted to bully Maggie to prove that they were different from Maggie. But in some degrees they had the same feeling with Maggie because they were bullied by “gar girls”. Twyla and Roberta took sympathy to Maggie but they didn’t want to admit that they share the same situation as Maggie. That’s the paradox between Twyla and Roberta.

However, we all know we have defects but we want to deny just as Twyla and Roberta. And once we see someone has the same defect as us we will start to criticize or bully them to protect ourselves from the flaws we have. And in my opinion I think the story Recitatif and the song Pieces of You, want to tell us the same concept.

Lily Jones said...

Hi professor. I’m Lily. 49902009.
I think the novel Recitatif reveals a way of the girls’ thinking. Being dumped at the orphanage wasn’t really a good thing. The thoughts that Twyla and Roberta wanted to kick Maggie is just a way to emphasize that they weren’t the worst kids in the orphanage. They want others to know that they still have the ability to bully someone else in order not to get bullied by those gar girls. They just dare not to do it. And Maggie, who was defined as the lowest level among the girls, has automatically become a substitute that being bullied.

The thing they don’t know is that they are nothing different from Maggie. Comparing to the song, we always set a rule to divide people into different levels. But in fact we are all the same. No one wants to be the lowest one, so they want to hurt or hate people who are at the lower status. No one wants to confess that all they see from those at the lowest level is the shadow of them.

Andrew said...

Twyla and Roberta have low position in society. With this condition, they want to bully another guy to build their confidence and avoid them to be put into the lowest position. When the trend goes, people should follow or they would suffer. If Twyla and Roberta don’t hurt Maggie they would be consider as strange people. In this way, they may be insulted as well. However, they don’t want to face they had done such things, so they revise their memory or they just too shame to speak out when they meet each other.
Nowadays people trend to judge a person or treat someone by their appearance. Pretty girls can be willful and their still some males want to care of her. Otherwise, if a girl who looks ugly makes an oral mistake, you may hit her by using a bat and show her the most polite gesture. Faggot seems abnormal, but it is pitiful that they can’t persuade someone they love with or even deliver how they feel. So I show no aggressive attempt to them.

Beatrice said...

Hi,professor!I'm Beatrice(49701044).This is my answer.
In "Recitatif",Maggie is a poor woman. She is mute,crippled deaf
and has a lowest postion. We can see that Maggie is the substitute for the two girls,and two girls know it, too. When two girls look at Maggie just like look at themselve. They can see their shadow in Maggue. They hate or fear it, so they want to hurt her.They want to destory that.

Most of prople always used appearance to judge another person, so when we see an ugly girl we think our position is higher than her. But at this time we compare ourself with the others. We try to find the same points from the other girls and then hurt the other girls and then hurt the one who has the most same points with us.

Jim said...

Hi, professor. I am Jim. According of Recitatif, they are so fascinated with Maggie because they are bullied by these big girls in St Bonny’s. They are bullied in St Bonny’s. Therefore, they also want to bully someone who is weaker than them. But they don’t want to admit this idea. They rewrite and revise their memory to make themselves feel better because they have an idea that they want to bully Maggie but they don’t want to admit that.

Besides, according Recitatif and Pieces of you, the reason why Twyla and Roberta want to bully Maggie. We can find some clues in Pieces of you. The song appears that we want to hurt ugly girls or beautiful girls because we are lack of confidence. We hurt ugly girls because we can feel superior by bullying ugly girls. We want to hurt pretty girls because we feel jealous about their appearances. Therefore, we want to bully pretty girls to feel that we are stronger than pretty girls. We want to do these actions because there is a shadow in our mind. Therefore, we get out of control.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Emma(49802072).

Maggie is a white deaf-mute girl who was bullied like Roberta and Twyla by the big girls. And they saw some characteristics which are lurked in themselves. Fortuitously, Maggie was also a reflected image of their mother. One was always sick and never got well, and the other one keep dancing at night. So they are fascinated with Maggie.
It’s the original human desire that one wanted to bully the weaker. Just like a freshman of soldier in army, he would be bullied by the senior. And when he became the senior, he did the same things as he confronted before. Maybe it’s a kinda revengeful mentality.
And I think Maggie was the most innocent one. She was bullied because She was the lowest status of the story. However, she didn’t have ability to resist, she could only accept it and be a scapegoat.

Jamison said...

Hello,professor.I am Jamison 49902041
I think Recitatif is about racial conflict between black and white, also about unequally encounter between strong and weak. Twyla and Roberta always recall the thing about Maggie, and their memories about Maggie were revise several times, Maggie is vulnerable and the gar girl bulling her, both of two girl, Twyla and Rpberta don’t do anything to help the poor girl because they also afraid of getting into trouble and became the victims of bully, sometime they might feel guilty, but also want to join to bully Maggie. it show the dark side of people. Twyla and Roberta are in low position, but Maggie is lower than them. So Maggie was bullying by gar girl and Twyla and Roberta are safe.

The song piece of music, I think is mean how serious that appearance effect the view of people, lyrics repeat Cause she's pieces of you many time, Twyla and Roberta want to hurt just because she is pieces of them!

I think Recitatif is about racial conflict between black and white, also about unequally encounter between strong and weak. Twyla and Roberta always recall the thing about Maggie, and their memories about Maggie were revise several times, Maggie is vulnerable and the gar girl bulling her, both of two girl, Twyla and Rpberta don’t do anything to help the poor girl because they also afraid of getting into trouble and became the victims of bully, sometime they might feel guilty, but also want to join to bully Maggie. it show the dark side of people. Twyla and Roberta are in low position, but Maggie is lower than them. So Maggie was bullying by gar girl and Twyla and Roberta are safe.

The song piece of music, I think is mean how serious that appearance effect the view of people, lyrics repeat Cause she's pieces of you many time, Twyla and Roberta want to hurt just because she is pieces of them!

Peace said...

Hi,proffssor.I am Peace(49902007).

I think the lyrics reflect people’s mind. Just as the lyrics say, we look down upon some people that don’t in a same status with us, I think why we will have the thought is because this is a kind of fear that we can not face. We do not want to be the people who are in a lower status, we tease them, treat them bad to show our superiorit. But we are not always the best. In the same time, for other superior people than us, it is we ourselves that turn into the lower status. So I think this is a contradiction. The people that we think lower than us are actually all are pieces of us.

The same situation just happens on Twyla and Roberta. They tease Maggie, because they don't want to face the music that they actually are at the same status as her.

Assignment Help said...

I think Twyla and Robert tease Maggie because of her low status, the thinking of our society is they don't want the people who are in low status' hey tease them to show the how superior they are. It’s the original human desire that one wanted to bully the weaker.
Which is show in the above story of Twyla, Robert and Maggie.
This actually show the double site of society, And also this is main thesis of the story" Recitatif". ...
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